• Nourish our energy.  When you take a drink of cold water you need to spend extra energy to warm up the water before your body can absorb it.
  • Strengthen the energy of your organs blood circulation.  When cold water passes your chest, it may cool your heart, lungs and bronchi and effect breathing.
  • Protect your Stomach energy. Cold water can make your stomach contract, weaken the energy of the stomach consequently effect your digestion.
  •  Help gynecological health. Cold water can give you period pain, irregular periods.
  • Help to reduce allergies. So, the energy can flow better in your body.
  • Help mental energy and enables us to be happier.

    I suggest that people with depression, anxiety, tiredness and  digestion problems, drink warm water.

  • Makes you sleep better.

Please try to drink warm water.

Writer: Angela Tian Zhu

Copyright 20/09 2020