by Angela Tian Zhu | 7 July, 2022 | Seniors & DementiaMental Health |

Winter solstice is a turning period from shortest day as it changes to become longer and longer in nature.

During this time of the year everything enters a state of dormancy, and animals hibernate. Human’s energy should be preserved to enhance mental and physical Health to prevent winter depression. We will be heather in next season.

Daily Tips:

  1. Early sleep and getting up later
  2. Eat and drink warm foods/drinks
  3. Keep the Dan Tian (Lower stomach), lower back, legs and feet warm
  4. For people with lung and heart conditions, keep the neck and chest warm
  5. Soak your feet in warm water before going to sleep – this helps you sleep better, improves blood circulation and alleviates cramping.
  6. Have a warm foot bath in the morning when you feel low and fatigued.
  7. Do not get over tired and avoid sweating too much.
  8. Avoid getting over emotional.

Tea and Food

  • Ginger and honey tea is good for the energy.
  • Lamb and ginger soup is good for the energy and for those who feel the cold.
  • Eat more root foods such as carrots, beetroot, radishes and pumpkins, etc.

Exercise daily Mindfully, Gently, slower with deep breathing 

Please preserve health in winterthis will help you be healthier for Spring.

Prevention and wisdom

Written by Angela Tian Zhu (Copy Right @ 2022)

Third generation Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner
Qi Gong and Tai Chi instructo