During autumn, every time it rains it gets a little colder.  The days become shorter, nights become longer, nature’s Yin Qi as cold energy will grow, and Yang Qi as warm energy will recede.

  • For people who have digestion problems, stomach problems or irritable bowel problems, it is a good idea to start to have warm breakfasts and more warm meals and drinks.
  • People who often have colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and high blood pressure in winter should start to have hot footbaths in the evening, and warm meals and drinks.
  • For people who have sore backs, this is a good time to start to keep your back warm.
  • People who have had winter depression and those who feel lethargic should have more ginger, lamb, cinnamon, walnuts, soup. These will help us to reduce anxiety and prevent winter depression.

Traditional Qi’s two concepts are prevention and wisdom.

Written by Angela Zhu, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, Qi Gong & Tai Chi instructor. Copyright ,2020